Friday, October 29, 2010

Blog 5

This week’s blog assignment asked for me gather a couple random worlds from friends and then try and create something mixing the two words I was provided. So I sent a text to my two most random friends hoping to get some interesting words to work with…

First word: BASKETBALL

A spherical object or a type of game. Jerseys. Shooting hoops. Space Jams. Game. Memory of winning $50 to a restaurant for winning the March Madness basketball bracket, Playing for the Rockets in 3rd grade, Attending Nolan Richardson basketball camp when I was younger. Orange ball used to play a sport. When I think of basketball I also think of where the Texas Longhorns play – the drum. Tall people. The squeak squeak of shoes when players are running around on the court. My grandmother who used to play when she was younger.

Second word: BOMB

War, explosion, terrorist. Fear. Various types of alcoholic shots (Jager etc.) Hiroshima. explosive device. Politics. A black ball with a fuse sticking out of it. When I think of bomb, I think of nuclear bombs and bomb shelters. Something that the roadrunner would trick the coyote into holding in the old cartoons.

Since one of my objects is a game, or a ball used for a game, and my other object is used to destroy things it will be interesting to think up ways to combine these two ideas.

-       - The obvious is a bomb that is disguised as a basketball.
-       - A bomb that explodes to release a shower of basketballs.
-       - Basketball Bomb: something cruel a kid might do to another kid where they throw a Basketball at their face while yelling “basketball bomb!!!”
-       - Basketball Bomb: an alcoholic shot that is orange in color. Ingredients yet to be determined... 
-       - Basketball Bomb: A bomb you have to dribble to detonate.
-       - Bomb Basketball: New line of basketballs that are all black in color with a fuse painted on. Very trendy.
-       - A new game kind of like musical chairs, where you throw around a ball around and hope to not be the one holding it when it goes off. Similar to hot potato.
-       - A basketball player that is also a bomb expert.
-       - Bowling balls that are designed to look like bombs, basketballs, or other objects.
-       - A juggler could juggle bombs and basketballs.
-       - Pumpkins that are carved to look like basketballs and bombs.
-      -  A basketball team whose mascot is a bomb.

Of my ideas, only a few strike me as viable product or service ideas.  I think a basketball team with bombs as a mascot makes sense. I can see a city starting with a B have a sports team called the bombs. Ex: the Baltimore Bombs. I think an all black basketball with a fuse design could be an interesting design. It could be a new take on the traditional orange and black basketball. It could also be a realistic product to create bowling balls with different designs on them (such as a bowling ball that looks like a basketball or a bomb). When I picture both of my words I picture spherical objects, it seems to make sense that they could easily be translated into bowling ball designs. A bomb disguised as a basketball seems like something that would be targeted at kids, so hopefully that is not a product that will be coming out anytime soon!

1 comment:

  1. Paige,

    Bomb and basketball are one of the most difficult combinations so far. Wow, but you came up with a viable product idea with those two totally unrelated objects. Great!
